Backwards! The idea is to take a small work and reverse the sentence order. The story I've used this time is Gravity Gone, another from Thinly Sliced Raw Fish, found here.
The new "backwards" version:
She rests her forehead on the window, inhales. Between them there are stories, there are years. He wants to say, what are you thinking, but he can’t. They’re looking out an 18th floor window. He stops, thinks about unbound bodies floating upward, colliding with rising cars, street lights and wires, stuff. If gravity were gone, she said, the world would be a better place.
The original:
If gravity were gone, she said, the world would be a better place. He stops, thinks about unbound bodies floating upward, colliding with rising cars, street lights and wires, stuff. They’re looking out an 18th floor window. He wants to say, what are you thinking, but he can’t. Between them there are stories, there are years. She rests her forehead on the window, inhales.
What a neat idea! I'll have to try this in a story...